
Our news page provides you with a round up of UN news related to economic development, humanitarian aid, climate change, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You will find the summary of news articles together with a link to the news source.


Legendary Harlem Globetrotters slam-dunk at the UN, with message that brings families, nations together

22 Nov 2019

You don’t have to be from New York or even the United States to be a Harlem Globetrotter. Yet in the team's 93-year history, less than two dozen players have been born overseas, UN News learned, during an impromptu visit by the legendary basketball role models to UN Headquarters this week.


‘Signs of hope’ toward a political settlement in Yemen, UN special envoy tells Security Council

22 Nov 2019

The momentum to reach a political settlement in Yemen “has been building”, the United Nations Special Envoy to the country told the Security Council on Friday, attributing the positive development to compromises on “a range of issues”.


Four in five adolescents failing to exercise for even 60 minutes a day, UN health agency warns

21 Nov 2019

An alarming lack of exercise among adolescents across the world risks seriously compromising their health into adulthood, the UN said on Thursday.  


Deadly life at sea: UN partners spotlight depths of danger in fishing industry

21 Nov 2019

There is a clear link between the seedy underbelly of the seafood industry, and fishers’ safety, now ranked as the second deadliest profession in the world; and more must be done to ensure people dependent on this type of labour are working in safe conditions, UN partners urged on Thursday. 


‘Maximize the positive’ from new technologies, for our digital future, Guterres urges

21 Nov 2019

Both positive and negative technological developments are jolting the world at “unprecedented speed”, the UN chief said on Thursday, underscoring the need to “maximize the benefits…whilst mitigating harms”.


Missile strike kills at least 12 civilians, including children, in Syria’s Idlib: UN humanitarians

21 Nov 2019

Violence in Syria continues to kill and maim civilians with reports that missiles fired into settlements for people fleeing conflict in the country’s northwest on Wednesday night, killed at least 12 people and wounded dozens more, including children, UN humanitarians said on Thursday.


Wednesday’s Daily Brief: Israeli settlements, World Children’s Day, fossil fuel overuse

20 Nov 2019

A recap of Wednesday’s stories: UN envoy reiterates position on illegality of Israeli settlements, World Children’s Day marked with calls for rights of children to be upheld, new report highlights major gap between use of fossil fuels and commitments to limit global warming.


UN chief calls for ‘green and clean’ development in message for Africa Industrialization Day

20 Nov 2019

As African countries gear up to implement an historic free trade agreement, the UN Secretary-General is urging leaders to pursue economic growth that benefits both people and the planet.


Tuesday’s Daily Brief: Israeli settlements, Sahel crisis, Iran protests, reconciliation for peace, World Toilet Day

19 Nov 2019

A recap of Tuesday’s stories in brief: UN ‘regret’ over US settlements reversal; Almost daily attacks plunge Sahel into ‘three-country crisis’;  live ammunition reportedly used against Iranian protesters; reconciliation helps ‘repair fractures’, promote peace; call for poorest countries to take leading role in their own development agendas; and World Toilet Day.


‘Three-country crisis’ across central Sahel puts whole generation at risk, warns UN food agency

19 Nov 2019

Violent attacks by extremists “almost every day” in the Sahel nations of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso have displaced nearly one million people and caused emergency levels of malnutrition, UN humanitarians have said.


Sustainable fishing staying afloat in developed world, sinking in poorer regions

18 Nov 2019

More people than ever rely on fisheries and aquaculture for food, and income, but the seafood industry is facing a “dangerous” sustainability divide when comparing trends in the developed world versus those in poorer regions, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) revealed on Monday.  


One-third of Afghans need urgent humanitarian aid, millions suffer ‘acute food insecurity’

18 Nov 2019

Over the last three months (August to October 2019), around one-third of the Afghan population required urgent humanitarian action, according to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Alert, released on Monday, which declares that some 10.23 million people are living in a state of “severe acute food insecurity”.


UN, African Union make significant joint commitment to global health

18 Nov 2019

In the drive towards universal health coverage, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the African Union (AU) Commission cemented their mutual commitment to global health by signing on Monday an historic agreement.


‘Transformational benefits’ of ending outdoor defecation: Why toilets matter

18 Nov 2019

Ending the practice of defecating in the open, rather than in a toilet, will have “transformational benefits” for some of the world’s most vulnerable people, says the UN’s partner sanitation body, the WSSCC (Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council). 


UN calls for action to tackle ‘ubiquitous but invisible’ global road safety crisis

17 Nov 2019

Saving lives by improving road safety is “one of the many objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, the United Nations chief said in his message for the global day set aside for remembering the victims of traffic accidents.


UN agency sounds alarm: Dwindling agrobiodiversity ‘severe threat’ to food security

14 Nov 2019

To help ensure the most-consumed foods don’t disappear in the face of the climate crisis, farmers must cultivate crops able to resist environmental shocks and other stresses, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) highlighted in a new set of conservation guidelines published on Thursday.


Revealed: danger and squalor for cleaners who remove human waste by hand

13 Nov 2019

The plight of sanitation workers in the developing world should be addressed urgently, the UN said on Thursday, warning that their rights, health and dignity are at risk.


Over $39 million earmarked by UN-backed fund to combat effects of climate change in Nepal

13 Nov 2019

More than $39 million in funding was approved on Wednesday for a project that will build resilience and mitigate the effects of climate change, benefitting nearly one million Nepalis, according to the Board of the UN-backed Green Climate Fund (GCF).


In Bahrain, Global Forum for Entrepreneurs and Investment examines empowerment of women, youth through innovation

12 Nov 2019

Spotlighting the role of targeted investment and innovation towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with special focus on ‘Harnessing the Potential of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the Digital Economy,’ the World Entrepreneurs Investment Forum kicked off on Tuesday in the Bahraini capital, Manama.


Australia wildfires: communities must stay vigilant, urges UN weather agency

12 Nov 2019

As Australia’s “catastrophic” and deadly wildfire emergency continues, UN weather experts on Tuesday echoed Government warnings for people to remain vigilant in the face of the fast-moving threat and tinderbox conditions.


Multilateralism must weather ‘challenges of today and tomorrow’ Guterres tells Paris Peace Forum

11 Nov 2019

In a speech to the Paris Peace Forum in Paris on Monday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that to thrive, multilateralism had to adapt, mindful that “conflicts persist, creating suffering and displacement: our world is unsettled”.  He was speaking as commemorations took place in countries across the world, marking the official end of the First World War, in 1918.


New UN forestry project bids to help countries meet climate change commitments

11 Nov 2019

More than two dozen countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America are set to benefit from a UN project to help tackle climate change through better forestry management.


Hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk in Syria amid ongoing violence in northeast and northwest

08 Nov 2019

Almost daily violence targeting built-up areas and health facilities in Syria continues to threaten the lives of civilians there, UN rights experts and humanitarians said on Friday.


Progress toward sustainable development is seriously off-track

07 Nov 2019

The UN Secretary-General is calling on business leaders to use their “enormous influence” to push for inclusive growth and opportunities that benefit all people and the planet.


Cuba: UN Members overwhelmingly support end of US embargo, as Brazil backs Washington

07 Nov 2019

For the 28th consecutive year, the UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution calling for an end to the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba.


‘Everyone needs to do more’ to help suffering Venezuelans, says UN Emergency Relief Coordinator

06 Nov 2019

“Ordinary women, men and children face overwhelming challenges” just to survive in Venezuela today, UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock said on Wednesday in the capital, Caracas.


Step up action to protect the planet during wartime: UN environment chief

06 Nov 2019

Greater action is needed to protect the environment during wartime if the world is to realize the goal of a more sustainable future for all people and the planet, the head of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) warned on Wednesday.


Tuesday’s Daily Brief: Cameroon crisis deepens, Tsunami Awareness Day, online gender gap, Somalia floods leave children vulnerable

05 Nov 2019

A recap of Tuesday’s top stories: Humanitarian needs in Cameroon up 15-fold from 2017; UN risk reduction chief calls for more resilient cities; Somalia’s floods put 200,000 children at risk; Internet use study reveals growing gender gap; UN partners spotlight youth mental health. 


US-China trade war is a ‘lose-lose’ situation for them and the world, warn UN economists

05 Nov 2019

The trade tariff spat between China and the United States has been a “lose-lose” situation for both countries and the wider world and it is likely to deteriorate unless a deal is reached, UN economists said on Tuesday.


Natural hazards don’t always spell disaster: UN risk reduction chief

05 Nov 2019

Tsunamis are rare, but when they strike, they are the deadliest and most costly of natural hazards. With half of the world’s population expected to live in coastal areas more prone to tsunamis by 2030, investing in early warning systems and resilient infrastructure, will be vital to saving lives and economies, said the top UN official on disaster risks on Tuesday.