
Our news page provides you with a round up of UN news related to economic development, humanitarian aid, climate change, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You will find the summary of news articles together with a link to the news source.


Syria: Top UN officials appeal to donors to help end ‘shocking’ scale of suffering 

30 Jun 2020

The UN chief called on the world to step up “financial, humanitarian and political commitments”, to help end nearly a decade of brutal conflict and suffering across Syria, in a video message delivered to the fourth Brussels Donor Conference on Tuesday.


Hard times forecast for global job recovery in 2020, warns UN labour agency chief

30 Jun 2020

The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on jobs has been much worse than expected initially, the head of the UN labour agency said on Tuesday, in an appeal to Governments, workers and employers, to agree on a sustainable economic recovery plan to reduce inequalities laid bare by the pandemic.


Water cooperation between States ‘key’ to  Blue Nile dam project

29 Jun 2020

The Blue Nile is “critical for the livelihoods and development” of Egyptians, Ethiopians and Sudanese, the top UN official for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs told the Security Council on Monday, urging those States to reach a construction agreement on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).


Extend cross border 'lifeline' into Syria, Lowcock urges Security Council

29 Jun 2020

With COVID-19 cases in Syria multiplying, its economy in freefall, and some households cooking weeds to eat in order to survive, the UN’s emergency relief coordinator is pressing the Security Council to extend its authorization for cross-border aid deliveries from Turkey.


Food is best vaccine against chaos, insists UN World Food Programme head

29 Jun 2020

Tens of millions more people are likely to go hungry this year because of the COVID-19 crisis, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) said on Monday, as it announced plans for a massive boost to its global aid operation so it can reach them.


First Person: looking to the skies to understand the climate crisis

29 Jun 2020

Could studying the cosmos help us to fight the climate crisis? Two astronomers at the University of Hawaii think that knowledge of the solar system may help to slow down the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Negative impacts of electric car battery production must be urgently addressed: UN trade agency

28 Jun 2020

Demand for raw materials used in the production of electric car batteries is set to soar, prompting the UN trade body, UNCTAD, to call for the social and environmental impacts of the extraction of raw materials, which include human rights abuses, to be urgently addressed.


Syrians ‘face unprecedented hunger amid impending COVID crisis’

26 Jun 2020

Syrian communities devastated by years of civil war now face an “unprecedented” hunger crisis, just as urgent action is needed to prevent COVID-19 from spreading, UN humanitarians said on Friday.


DR Congo: COVID-19 slows pace of reform, exacerbates fragile security situation

26 Jun 2020

The head of the UN mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is asking the Security Council for its continued support as the mission adds the fight against COVID-19 to its to-do list, while also dealing with a fragile security situation in the east of the country.


Yemen: millions of children facing deadly hunger, amidst aid shortages and COVID-19

25 Jun 2020

Millions of children in the heart of the world’s worst humanitarian disaster could be pushed to the brink of starvation, due to huge shortfalls in humanitarian aid funding amid the coronavirus pandemic, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Friday. 


Extraordinary ‘megaflash’ lightening strikes cover several hundred kilometres, smashing records

25 Jun 2020

New records for extreme lightning bursts, or ‘megaflashes’, during 2019, have been made official, more than doubling the size and duration of the previous record flashes, the UN’s weather agency, WMO, announced on Thursday.


$1.8 billion pledged to assist Sudan’s people on the road to peace and democracy

25 Jun 2020

A High-Level Sudan Partnership Conference took place on Thursday gathering some 50 countries and international organizations together in Berlin, generating pledges to bolster the African nation’s economic and political transformation to the tune of $1.8 billion, and discuss the challenges that lie ahead.


First Person: Innovation brewing at Hawaii coffee farm

25 Jun 2020

Innovation and experimentation are helping a coffee farm in the US state of Hawaii to prosper in a competitive market, an approach which has helped the company to get through the global COVID-19 pandemic.


COVID-19: Recovery will be slower following ‘crisis like no other’, IMF predicts

24 Jun 2020

Economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is projected to be more gradual than previously forecast, according to a report published on Wednesday by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


Coronavirus: 10 million infections milestone looms – WHO's Tedros

24 Jun 2020

The world is on track to reach 10 million coronavirus cases within the next week, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief executive said on Wednesday, a “sober reminder” that as research continues into therapeutics and vaccines, utmost efforts are needed now to suppress transmission and save lives.


Universal, inclusive education ‘non-negotiable’

23 Jun 2020

Inclusive education should be a “non-negotiable” right for all children, the head of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said in a new report launched on Tuesday.


COVID-19 upends ‘entire generation’ of 600 million South Asian children

23 Jun 2020

Without urgent action, COVID-19 will continue to unravel decades of progress across South Asia, destroying the “hopes and futures of an entire generation”, warns a new report released on Tuesday by the UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF.


Countries urged to act over potential HIV drug shortages in two months

22 Jun 2020

Stocks of medication for HIV patients could run out in the next two months, because of higher costs linked to lockdowns and COVID-19 border closures, UNAIDS said on Monday.


COVID-19 intensifies ‘brutal crime’ of sexual violence in conflict 

19 Jun 2020

Conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) is “a brutal crime” that is being exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN chief underscored on Friday, the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict.


Without funds, ‘no choice’ but to suspend most aid flights, warns WFP

19 Jun 2020

A critical warning was issued by the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) on Friday, declaring that it may soon have “no choice” but to suspend “most” of its critical aid flights, because of a lack of funding.


New UN report offers blueprint for greener, more resilient world of work

19 Jun 2020

Jobs, livelihoods and the well-being of workers, families and businesses across the globe, continue to take a hit from the COVID-19 pandemic; with micro, small and medium enterprises in particular, suffering the dire economic consequences, according to a new policy brief released by the UN on Friday.


FROM THE FIELD: Adapting to Lesotho’s changing climate

18 Jun 2020

Living in the African mountain kingdom of Lesotho comes with its fair share of challenges, including land degradation and climate change, which are upending traditional farming practices. 


UN refugee chief laments nearly 80 million people forcibly displaced

18 Jun 2020

Global displacement reached a staggering 79.5 million people last year - almost double the number of people in crisis registered a decade ago – owing to war, violence, persecution and other emergencies, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Thursday.


‘New contract’ needed with nature to keep drought and deserts at bay

17 Jun 2020

The UN Secretary-General has called for “a new contract for nature” to address ongoing global challenges connected to land degradation, such as forced migration, hunger and climate change.


COVID-19: UN agencies warn against rising hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean

16 Jun 2020

The number of people in Latin America and the Caribbean living in extreme poverty could surpass 83 million this year due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a significant rise in hunger, according to a UN report released on Tuesday.


Trade in many developing countries projected to ‘nosedive’, warns UNCTAD

16 Jun 2020

Trade in many developing countries is expected to take a “nosedive” in the second quarter of 2020, owing to the unprecedented effects of the coronavirus pandemic, UN economists said on Tuesday.


Syrian refugees resort to ever more desperate measures to resist pandemic impact

16 Jun 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has caused a dramatic spike in the number of Syrian refugees in need of emergency assistance in the last three months, UN humanitarians said on Tuesday, in an appeal for funding to confront new challenges posed by the health emergency.


UN chief in ‘support migrants’ plea, as remittances drop by 20 per cent predicted

14 Jun 2020

Marking International Day of Family Remittances, The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has released a message appealing for “people everywhere” to support migrants, at a time when remittances – the money migrants send home to support their families – have fallen by more than $100 billion, causing hunger, lost schooling and deteriorating health, for tens of millions of families.


Health experts concerned about indirect effects of COVID-19 on women and youth

12 Jun 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to escalate, the World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned about its impact on women, children and young people.


Amid COVID-19 and climate change, UNHCR appeals for $186 million for Sahel refugee and displacement crisis

12 Jun 2020

The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) has issued an urgent appeal for $186 million to provide lifesaving protection and assistance in the Sahel amidst fears that the conflict in the vast African region – exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic – will spread.