
Our news page provides you with a round up of UN news related to economic development, humanitarian aid, climate change, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You will find the summary of news articles together with a link to the news source.


INTERVIEW: ‘Famine is preventable, if there is political will’

24 Sep 2020

The UN is warning of an impending hunger pandemic across the world, partly a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the World Food Programme (WFP) preparing to launch an unprecedented food aid operation, UN News spoke to WFP Assistant Executive-Director Valerie Guarnieri, on the devastating rise in hunger, and the scale of funding needed to feed those most vulnerable.


Deadly flooding adds new danger to communities fleeing Sahel violence

24 Sep 2020

Humanitarians have stepped up assistance to communities “on the brink”, who have been affected by devastating flooding in Africa’s Sahel region, where several hundred thousand people have been displaced by seasonal rains.


Corruption and tax-dodging ‘rampant’, urgent reforms needed: UN panel

24 Sep 2020

Tax abuse, money laundering and corruption, plague the global financial system, a high-level UN panel reported on Thursday, launching an interim report that underscores the need for urgent reforms to achieve the 2030 Global Goals (SDGs).


LIVE: UN Climate Change Roundtable

24 Sep 2020

Live coverage of the High-Level UN Climate Change Roundtable, featuring UN chief António Guterres, designed to rally momentum for more ambitious action to limit global warking and ensure sustainable post-pandemic recovery plans.    Highlights UK and UN to co-host December climate event.  Watch roundtable live on UN Web TV  


UN chief and UK premier announce December climate summit

24 Sep 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic having disrupted plans to hold the annual international UN climate meeting - known as the COP - this year, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom have announced that they will instead co-host a “landmark global event” on 12 December, the fifth anniversary of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.


FROM THE FIELD: Protecting the post-pandemic planet

24 Sep 2020

An emphasis on sustainable development and fighting climate change will benefit countries around the world as they recover from the unprecedented economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, says the UN Development Programme, (UNDP).


Guterres advocates for digital world that ‘strengthens human rights, advances peace’

23 Sep 2020

Amidst a technological era that “beckons with vast opportunity”, new risks exist to global peace, stability and development, the UN chief told a side event of the General Assembly on Wednesday, aiming to help ensure access to digital technologies for all.


Put ‘people before politics’ in Lebanon, urges Guterres, following Beirut disaster

23 Sep 2020

It’s time that leaders across Lebanon put “people before politics” following last month’s explosions in Beirut port, said the UN chief on Wednesday, which must serve as a wake-up call following a year of upheaval and clamour for reform on all fronts.


Impact on workers of COVID-19 is ‘catastrophic’: ILO 

23 Sep 2020

COVID-19 has had a “catastrophic” impact on workers, the head of the International Labour Organization (ILO) said on Wednesday, with lost working hours higher than originally forecast, and equivalent to 495 million full-time jobs globally in the second quarter of the year. 


UN stands ready to support landlocked nations in pandemic recovery

23 Sep 2020

The UN system is standing in solidarity with landlocked developing countries, which lack access to vital trade links, and supporting them in their efforts to rebuild once the global coronavirus pandemic abates, Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday. 


Violence leaves over 300,000 ‘completely reliant’ on assistance in northern Mozambique

22 Sep 2020

Worsening conflict, on the back of a precarious humanitarian situation, has forced more than three hundred thousand people to flee their homes and villages in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province, leaving them completely reliant on humanitarian assistance, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) has said. 


One million people share hopes and fears for future with the UN

21 Sep 2020

The results are in from a massive, unprecedented crowd-sourcing survey of international opinion, launched in January 2020 to mark the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. Participants from all walks of life, women, men, girls and boys in developed and developing countries were encouraged to share their hopes and fears for the future and how the UN can help to bring about change. 


LIVE: UN75 commemorations

21 Sep 2020

On Monday the UN commemorates the 75 years of the Organization. The theme is, “The future we want, the United Nations we need”, and there is a strong focus on the role of youth, and ensuring the UN remains relevant for future generations. Highlights:  •    UNcomplicated podcast: the UN turns 75 •    UN75 photo story   


Fighting drug trafficking in the Golden Triangle: a UN Resident Coordinator blog

20 Sep 2020

Drug trafficking has long been a problem in the Golden Triangle, the region where Thailand’s Chiang Rai province meets Myanmar and Laos. In this blog, Gita Sabharwal, UN Resident Coordinator in Thailand, and Jeremy Douglas, who represents the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, explain how the United Nations and the Thai government are working together to tackle the issue.


Survival of wildlife reserves under threat in Namibia

19 Sep 2020

After six months of lockdown, the Namibian government ended travel restrictions and curfews on Friday, in light of a drop in new COVID-19 cases. But Namibia’s economy, which depends heavily on wildlife tourism, has taken a major hit during the period, and the future of the country’s wildlife reserves, otherwise known as conservancies, is far from certain.


Sustainable Development goals are ‘the future’ Malala tells major UN event, urging countries to get on track

18 Sep 2020

The Global Goals represent the future for millions of girls who want education, women who fight for equality, and youth fighting for clean air, UN Messenger of Peace Malala Yousafzai said on Friday, at a side event of the General Assembly, challenging Member States, “when are you planning to do the work”? 


Leveraging youth to shape a better future, UN announces 17 Young Leaders for SDGs

18 Sep 2020

The United Nations, on Friday, recognized 17 young advocates for sustainable development, who are leading efforts to combat some of the world’s most pressing challenges and inspiring the younger generation for a better future for all. 


New wave of famine could sweep the globe, overwhelming nations already weakened by years of conflict, warn UN officials

18 Sep 2020

The global hunger crisis caused by conflict – and now compounded by COVID-19 – is moving into a dangerous phase, the head of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) said on Thursday, stressing that without resources, a wave of famine could sweep the globe, overwhelming nations already weakened by years of instability. 


Reversing land degradation can ‘preempt and manage’ conflicts

17 Sep 2020

To help prevent conflicts and at the same time protect the planet, “we all must tackle environmental degradation”, a top UN official told the Security Council on Thursday.


Syria COVID spread may be much higher than figures suggest, Lowcock tells Security Council

16 Sep 2020

Reports from inside Syria are pointing to a much broader spread of COVID-19 than the number of confirmed cases – currently 3,618 – suggests, the UN’s top humanitarian official says. 


Protect lives, mitigate future shocks and recover better: UN-wide COVID-19 response 

16 Sep 2020

Over the course of 2020 thus far, the coronavirus has taken hundreds of thousands of lives, infected millions of people, and wreaked socio-economic, humanitarian and human rights havoc, the United Nations said in a new report released on Wednesday.


South Sudan: Progress on peace agreement ‘limps along’, UN envoy tells Security Council

16 Sep 2020

Although the transitional government in South Sudan continues to function, with state governors now appointed, among other developments, progress on the 2018 peace agreement “limps along”, the top UN official in the country told a virtual meeting of the Security Council on Wednesday. 


Governments urged to protect poor against modern slavery, step up development financing

16 Sep 2020

Unless governments act now, millions of the world’s most vulnerable people could be pushed into contemporary forms of slavery and other exploitation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a UN independent human rights expert has said.   


Ozone treaties ‘inspiring examples’ of political will, UN chief says on International Day

16 Sep 2020

The United Nations commemorated the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, on Wednesday, recognizing the success of landmark global agreements in helping restore the protective layer around Earth. 


Famine threat returns to Yemen, amid upsurge in fighting

15 Sep 2020

The spectre of famine has returned to Yemen as donor countries fail to make good on their 2020 pledges, amidst an upsurge in fighting, fresh hurdles for aid deliveries, and ongoing efforts to nail down a nationwide ceasefire, the Security Council heard on Tuesday.


Climate change: Record northern heat, fuels concerns over US wildfire destruction

15 Sep 2020

The northern hemisphere experienced its warmest August ever, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Tuesday, amid searing conditions that have contributed to devastating wildfires on the west coast of the United States.


UN report highlights links between ‘unprecedented biodiversity loss’ and spread of disease

15 Sep 2020

The continued degradation of the environment is increasing the likelihood of diseases spreading from animals to humans, warns a UN report on biodiversity, released on Tuesday.


Countries must ‘get their hands dirty’ to stem COVID and prevent future pandemics 

14 Sep 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended a world embroiled in chaos, unleashing catastrophic health, social and economic consequences along with irreparable harm to humanity, according to UN-backed report published on Monday.


A youthful 75: next generation to carry the torch for UN values

12 Sep 2020

75 years on from the founding of the UN, young people are being enlisted to share their visions of a better planet, and help decide the next chapter of the Organization. 


New fires at Greek island refugee camp destroy last remaining shelters

11 Sep 2020

Fresh fires at a Greek island centre for thousands of refugees and migrants, have destroyed all remaining accommodation for those affected by the initial blaze on Tuesday evening.